Depression Treatment
Are You Trapped Under The Weight Of Difficult Emotions And Self-Doubt?
- Do you feel stuck in a pattern of self-criticism, worry and anger?
- Do you worry that difficult thoughts and emotions you are having mean that something is wrong with you?
- Has overwhelming stress or a major transition in your life left you questioning your decisions? Are you unsure about your ability to reach your personal, professional or relationship goals?
- Do you put on a happy face at work and at home, choosing to suffer in silence rather than share your experience with family or friends?
You may not be where you expected you would be in your career or relationship, but you aren’t sure what you can do to make a change. You might feel defensive or frustrated as you struggle to express your thoughts and emotions in a way that other people can understand. Perhaps you believe that you will be judged as weak or broken if you tell anyone about the challenges you are facing. Over time, you might start withdrawing from activities that you used to enjoy, preferring to be alone with your emotions.
You may have struggled with depression for months or years and despite your best efforts, you can’t seem to escape the feelings of doubt and helplessness. In addition to difficult emotions, you may experience uncomfortable or painful physical
symptoms – such as tightness in your chest and joints, an all consuming lack of energy, difficulty sleeping or exhaustion. At times the lack of energy may be so intense that you hear your phone ringing but can’t muster up the energy to answer it; leaving you feeling hopeless to change your situation. To make things more challenging you might be feeling anxious, as depression and anxiety are opposite sides of the same coin. You may be feeling on edge, stressed or self-conscious. Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to get back to a place where you feel happy, hopeful and “normal” again?
Many Individuals Struggle To Manage Depression
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression will be the second-leading cause of work disability by 2020. But, many people continue to feel like they are all alone in their suffering. Depression encompasses every part of the body, from your energy level to the way you think. But, unlike caring for a broken bone, you can’t point to a single piece of yourself that is “broken” when you are dealing with depression. As a result, it can be more difficult to conceptualize depression as an illness that can be treated. Instead, it can feel like you are constantly lugging around an oxygen tank – everything is harder, and you just can’t do what you used to do.
One of the main issues that can contribute to depression is a pattern of unresolved anger. Many individuals don’t consider themselves to be angry, but they may hold in their emotions or struggle to express them clearly. When you are unable to process and release anger in a productive, healthy way, it can turn inward, sapping your energy and leaving you feeling overwhelmed and self-critical. Alternately, you may have noticed that you are quicker to anger or arguing more often, but you feel unable to control your emotions.
But, there is good news! Depression treatment with an experienced counselor can help you understand why you are struggling so that you can get back to living a more hopeful, focused and energetic life.
Depression Treatment Can Help You Take Control Of Your Emotions
Extensive research indicates that talk therapy or a combination of talk therapy and medication is the most effective way to alleviate the distressing emotions that come with depression. In addition to helping you develop skills to recognize and manage challenges, talk therapy has been shown to reduce the likelihood that depression will reoccur. With the right depression treatment program, you can take meaningful, lasting steps to feel happier and more hopeful in your life.
During your depression treatment sessions, I focus on helping you learn and develop resources before teaching new skills.We take the time to understand the patterns, circumstances and history that are contributing to your current struggles. According to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), our thoughts trigger emotions which, in turn, prompt our behavior. But, when you gain awareness over how you think, you can take a deeper look and see if harmful self-thoughts are really accurate. With depression treatment, you can learn how to challenge core beliefs about yourself and build a more accurate, positive view of who you are and what you are capable of.
When you feel depressed, you may avoid or withdraw from activities and obligations, waiting for something external to happen that will change the way you feel. Research shows, however, that participating in an activity can be an important catalyst that helps you start feeling better and more energetic. My goal is to help you think and behave just a little bit differently every day, loosening the grip depression has on your life. I work with you to tailor activities to your particular wants and needs. I help you create a clear, structured plan you feel empowered to follow. And, by learning breathing exercises and reconnecting with close friends or family members, you can give yourself the skills and support you need to confidently manage and work through life’s challenges.
I have been helping individuals overcome depression and related challenges for over 25 years. I trained extensively with the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Philadelphia, one of the foremost CBT institutes in the world. I recognize the importance of a positive, trusting therapy relationship. We will work at your pace, taking as much time as you need to feel comfortable identifying and addressing challenging emotions and symptoms. With the right guidance and support, you can get back to living a life of hope, energy and happiness.
But, you may still have questions or concerns about depression treatment…
I’ve felt this way for years. I doubt therapy can help me now.
While you may have dealt with depression for a long time, depression treatment can help you find relief and start feeling happy and hopeful again. I have been helping individuals understand and manage depression for 40 years, with 25 in private practice. And, in my experience, depression treatment works. You can get back to living a full, happy life.
I’m just going through a rough spot – I’ll be fine if I can be a little tougher.
It can be difficult to understand whether you are dealing with depression or normal, natural feelings of sadness, doubt and anger. You may not have thoughts of self-harm or suicide and question whether a previous or current depression diagnosis is accurate. Or, you might worry that the emotions you are experiencing will be perceived as a weakness or a flaw in your character. You may think that you’ll feel better if you can just “toughen up.” But, there is a difference between sadness and depression. Sadness is about responding to a loss, while depression is about chronic, unresolved anger and stress. As a result, you may hold in your feelings, hesitant or unable to talk to anyone about them. I provide a safe space and compassionate, non-judgmental counseling so you can feel comfortable exploring your experience and working toward solutions.
What if someone finds out I’m seeing a therapist? I don’t want to be judged…
Many individuals have concerns about confidentiality when beginning depression treatment, fearing they might be perceived as weak or incapable of keeping up in their relationships or career. I offer an accepting, non-judgmental approach in our sessions, and our work is confidential under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. But, the truth is that if you were ever to tell someone that you were struggling with depression, the chances are that they might tell you about how they have dealt with their own depression. Although you may feel isolated, you are not alone.
You Can Live A Full, Happy Life
If you are ready to feel happier, more confident and more hopeful, or if you have additional questions about depression treatment, I invite you to call my office in Brandon, Florida at (813) 759-3278 to schedule an initial appointment.